Are you building a new home this year? Congratulations! While you’re considering construction materials and room layouts, you don’t want to forget about the HVAC system in your new Hutchins, Texas, home. As the most important piece of equipment that affects your home’s comfort, you want to give your HVAC system top consideration. For maximum HVAC efficiency, you want to make sure you avoid mistakes such as incorrect HVAC sizing, leaks in your home’s thermal envelope, and poor ductwork placement.
Incorrect HVAC System Sizing
An improperly sized HVAC system is one of the biggest problems that can plague homeowners of newly built homes. Undersized or oversized HVAC systems can result in many inconveniences associated with poor heating and air conditioning in your home, including wasted energy.
To avoid choosing an HVAC system that’s either too large or too small for your home, a professional and qualified HVAC technician should perform a load calculation. Once completed, a load calculation can give you the information you need to make an informed HVAC system purchase.
Leaks in Your Home’s Thermal Envelope
Leaks in your home’s thermal envelope can allow conditioned air or heat from inside your home to escape outdoors through gaps and seams. Scheduling a blower-door test can help you identify areas of weakness in your home’s thermal envelope before you begin placing drywall. The best time to conduct a blower-door test is after you install windows, doors, and any weather-stripping. With your home’s primary barriers completed, an HVAC service professional can help you find any leaks in the thermal envelope and seal them properly.
Poor Ductwork Placement
In older homes, you may find ductwork placed in unconditioned spaces such as attics and crawlspaces. When ducts are placed in unconditioned spaces, the ductwork can contribute to significant amounts of wasted energy in a home. Consult with an HVAC service professional to correctly position ductwork within your new home’s thermal envelope.
To avoid these HVAC mistakes when building your new home, contact the Willard Cooling, Heating, Plumbing, & Electrical professionals. Call us today at (972) 564-9785.
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